Homecoming 2008
Homecoming 2008: September 26-27
Thank You !!!
Thanks to everyone who helped with the reunion, and those who were able to attend. It was a great success!
Special thanks to Marc McNeese, Kelly Spore, Jodi (Hippensteel) Smith, Jill (Bailey) Dossett, Laura (Tromley) Hazelman, Erika (Thomas) Gobel, Jenny (Garbers) Parish, Suzanne (Couchenour) Corrona, Hunter Pinnell, Roger Jacqmain, Jon Cazel, John Streeter, Troy McClure, Brain Patrick, Neil Rapp, Chris Todd, and anyone else we may have missed!
We’d like to give an extra special “Thank You” to Quizno’s located on Hart St. for providing our Friday night appetizers, and to D&S Ambulance Service for providing our classmates a safe ride after our celebration.
Coming soon!
- The picture show DVDs will be mailed out soon. If you ordered one, please make sure Chris Todd has your contact information.
- We will also put up pictures from the reunion here on the web site, so check back soon for those.
- If you have pictures from the reunion you don’t mind sharing on the web site, please send those to Neil (neilATneilrappDOTcom).
- We’re also working on some other ideas for videos, pictures, and other memorabilia for the web site.

Courtesy: Vincennes Sun-Commercial