2013 Homecoming
Greetings Class of 1988,
The years have flown by and now our 25 year class reunion is coming up soon on Homecoming weekend, October 4th and 5th, 2013. As usual, there are many events going on over the weekend for all classes and then something special just for us on Saturday evening.
Friday October 4th:
• 3:45 pm- Annual Homecoming Parade downtown start. We’ll have a Class of 88 float and please check the box when you register if you are going to ride so we’ll know how many are going to be there. You will need to be there at least 30 minutes before the start to load up and more information will be sent out as it gets closer.
• 7:00 pm- Homecoming Queen Coronation (Inman Field)
• 7:30 pm- Homecoming football game against the Washington Hatchets (Inman Field). More information later but I believe the 25th is the year they honor the football players from the classes.
• 7:00 pm-? All classes gather at the Pavilion downtown at Second and Busseron Streets for the big party. Adult beverages will be available there and you can also bring your own coolers too filled with whatever you like. We will have a small class table but bring your own lawn chair if you want to sit.
Saturday October 5th:
• Golf Outing hosted by Vincennes Education Foundation. The Homecoming Golf Outing is scheduled for a 9:00 registration and a 10:00 shotgun start on Saturday, October 5 at the Country Club of Old Vincennes. Schedule your foursome by calling Mary Beth Gavney at 882-4844 or email gavneym@vcsc.k12.in.us or Tom Nonte at 882-3812 (leave a message) or send an email to: tomnonte@me.com The cost is $70.00 per person and all profit is for the students of Vincennes Community Schools. A drive through lunch will be provided for all golfers. (50/50 pot, Raffle, Putting Contest, $10,000 cash for hole-in-one, 3 other major prizes) Cash prize for 1st and 2nd place finishers.
• 25th Reunion Party! We will be gathering at the Blossom Hill Rental Complex- 2697 East State Road 61, Vincennes, Indiana 47591. It is the old Nesbitt Orchard building at the intersection of Bierhaus Boulevard and State Road 61. The doors will open at 6:00 pm and appetizers from Pea-Fections will be served from 6:30- 8:00. There will also be a cash bar with a keg of draft beer courtesy of the Class of 88, an updated video of pictures from our high school years, a DJ, and plenty of other things going on while everyone catches up. The cost is $35.00 a person for the evening. Dress is casual for all of the weekend events, including Saturday night.
Thanks to DJ Halter, D&S Ambulance Service will be providing transportation to homes or lodging facilities located in Vincennes after the reunion.
We have a new Class of 88 t-shirt to commemorate our 25th year reunion and you can order one when you register.
Chris Todd is updating the great video he made for our 20th and has asked if anyone has any new pictures they want included in the update to scan and crop them if hardcopies and email them to him by August 31st at duckhead12 (AT) hotmail.com. Neil Rapp or I can help with any technical problems you may have sending them.
If you are unable to attend but wish to support the class for this and future projects please add that on the registration page or send it to the address below for the registration.
We are trying something new this year for the registration to save on postage and make it easier for us all. All registration will be electronic on the website Neil Rapp has updated for this year. Go to www.LHS88.org and go to “Online Registration” in the top menus to sign up for everything. Fill out the registration form there, total up your cost and then you can click through and pay with PayPal if you have a PayPal account, or a check if you don’t. We are trying to avoid the significant fee that PayPal charges for a donation so instead of having a “Donate” button, you need to login to PayPal separately, choose “Send Money”, put vinlincoln1988@gmail.com in the “To:” box, then check the option for “I’m sending money to family or friends”, and then type in the amount you totaled up in the registration form, and then continue on to choose your funding source. Or you can print your name on your check if it isn’t already on it so we can match it up with the registration and enclose it with the check, sent to:
Class of 88
Erika Goble
110 N 15th Street
Vincennes, IN 47591
Please include an email address if you sign up either way so we can confirm your registration back to you. Registration will go through the end of the day on September 14th but please get registered and your money sent in as soon as possible so we’ll know as early as possible how many to plan for.
The official Class of 88 email address is vinlincoln88@gmail.com or you can contact any of the core members of the planning committee below: Hunter Pinnell, Marc McNeece, Erika (Thomas) Goble, Jill (Bailey) Dossett, Desiree (McCray) Cantwell, Jenny (Garbers) Kiel, Denise (Stiles) Welfel, Neil Rapp, Jon Cazel (phone & email info not posted here on the web site for privacy reasons)
If you need to book a hotel room for the weekend, the Marriott Towneplace Suites on Willow Street are the newest and nicest, then the Holiday Inn Express on Sixth Street. There are other hotels as well there is a comprehensive listing at the CVB website here: http://www.vincennescvb.org/lodging.
See you in October!
— Hunter Pinnell
Thanks to everyone for attending the reunion on October 5, 2013!
To those who couldn’t make it, we missed you! Please try to attend next time.
We are collecting money for a memorial fund. We now have 20 deceased members of our class.

and now, Carol Sue Bennett-Dobson
Below is the invitation that went out electronically on August 11.
If you know someone who has not received this information, please pass it along!
We are doing as much electronically as possible before using snail mail!
We don’t want to leave anyone out!!!
Hello Class of 88,
The time is almost here for us to enjoy our 25th class reunion. As most of you will undoubtedly think or say at some point over the weekend, it’s hard to believe it has been that long since we have all been together as a class. This weekend will give us all the opportunity to see each other and relive the old days. Our reunion committee has worked hard over the last few months to put together an event that should prove to be a lot of fun over the weekend and we look forward to seeing every one of you at some point.
Before I get into the weekend schedule I would like to make a note about the Class of 88 t-shirts that were available for early registrants. The shirts were supposed to be finished by Stacey Biehl Foster on Tuesday or Wednesday and should be available at Erika (Thomas) Goble’s workplace of Friends Home Health Care, 110 N. 15th Street for early pickup on Thursday from 9:00-6:00 pm and Friday from 9:00 am- 12:00 noon. Then they will be available at 2:00pm- 3:30 at the parade float below and also at the Pavilion Friday night if you miss both of those.
The weekend will kick off first with the Homecoming parade on Friday, October 4th. We do have a float that should hold everyone and it will be lined up at 2:00 pm at the corner of First and Busseron Streets at the end of the Pavilion. The parade begins at 3:45 so please be there in plenty of time to get a seat and catch up with old friends. Class of 88 t-shirts will be available there also and there is a restroom at the Pavilion for you to change into it if you want to.
If you are hungry and want to come down to the Pavilion a little early, the Lincoln Baseball Boosters will be serving food from 11:00 am until later in the day. They will have burgers, brats, tenderloins and homemade apple pie, with all proceeds going to the baseball team.
I am trying to get more information on this but there is supposed to be a tour of the old high school building after the parade and will pass that on to you when I receive more information.
Friday evening will bring the Homecoming Queen coronation at 7:00 at Inman Field and the annual Homecoming football game against the Washington Hatchets starts at 7:30. Several athletes from the Class of 88 will be honored during the game too.
The Downtown Pavilion activities will be going on all day Friday and the evening gathering of all classes will begin around the same time as the football and grow throughout the evening until it is packed. The Pavilion is between First and Second Streets at Busseron if you have not been there before. We will have a space for the Class of 88 and you can bring your own cooler or purchase adult beverages at the cash bar in the Pavilion. Also bring a lawn chair if you would like to sit down as it is usually standing room only.
Saturday morning brings the VEF golf outing and more information is available on www.LHS88.org and the Vincennes Education Foundation Facebook page. Marc McNeece is also organizing tee times and golf activities for the weekend so if you want to play, contact him.
Saturday evening brings the big event. We will all be gathering at the Blossom Hill Rental Hall at the intersection of Bierhaus Blvd and State Road 61 for our class party. The doors open at 6:00 and we will have a large selection of delicious appetizers from Pea-Fections from 6:30-8:00, a DJ for the evening, a cash bar with a free keg of beer, an updated presentation from Chris Todd, and plenty of other things while everyone catches up. Dress is casual for the weekend and Thanks to DJ Halter, D&S Ambulance Service will be providing transportation to homes or lodging facilities located in Vincennes after the reunion for classmates who don’t want to drive.
We are still taking registrations and we have some generous sponsors for the event if anyone finds themselves a little short right now in the bad economy but would like to attend. We can also work with you on payment if you need to, just contact me. We still have some who haven’t paid and will be taking money at the door. We will also take late arrivals later on without registering too and we’ll ask for a donation to help cover the rental hall and other amenities when you arrive even if you don’t get there in time to eat. Our committee has worked hard to make an affordable event that is a lot of fun so come on out and see everyone! We look forward to seeing you this weekend.
Contact me at the class email address vinlincoln1988@gmail.com, or contact any of the committee members:
Hunter Pinnell, Erika (Thomas) Goble, Jill (Bailey) Dossett, Desiree (McCray) Cantwell, Jenny (Garbers) Kiel, Denise (Stiles) Welfel, Neil Rapp, Marc McNeece, Jon Cazel